News & Insights

Here you’ll find our thinking and helpful insights on the latest developments in domestic and global markets.

Economic Snapshot February 2020

The first three weeks of February saw further good performance by global equity markets. The news from China about Covid-19 seemed to be getting better and the latest economic data was still quite positive. However, all this changed very quickly from 21 February when markets suddenly became alarmed by reports of the virus spreading to a number of countries around the world, including Italy, Iran, South Korea and the US.

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Economic Snapshot January 2020

January was a dramatic month for the world economy and financial markets, starting with hostilities between the US and Iran and ending with fears about the new coronavirus (2019- nCoV) from China. Here in Australia, we had the extra difficulties from the terrible bushfires. Despite all this, the Australian equity market had a great month, more than making up for a desultory December and outperforming global counterparts. The weaker $A and stronger performance from bonds helped our equity market, though more so in the non-resource sectors.

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